Real Madrid

Real Madrid finds a replacement for Casemiro

The Brazilian national team player and Real Madrid, Spain, “Casmero” moved to Manchester United in the last Mercato in a deal, which resulted in a surprise deal According to the “ISB global network”, Real Madrid is monitoring the acquisition of the Brazilian Joao Gomez, the Flamengo midfielder, to replace Casemiro …

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Real Madrid, Barcelona and Juventus are battling again for a Brazilian gem. Former Brazil coach, Vitor Roque, describes him as “a very difficult striker for defenders.”

Vitor Roque, the young man “enlightened” by Ronaldo, who was only 17 years old, emerged as a striker for Atletico Paranines in Brazil, at the helm of Barcelona and Real Madrid And the newspaper “El Mundo Deportivo” reported that Vitor Roque “raised the interest of Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid and Juventus” …

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